Safar= A journey to the Self, Coming Soon- Part 5

Dear friends, May the blank canvas of your life be painted with beautiful and vibrant colors by the brush in Divine Hands shaping your lives with unlimited Grace and Love.

Today I am sharing the connection with our core nature of Love and how profoundly it changes our outlook of life. Love not in the typical way of an exchange process where if you give love it is with a condition that you should get it back double or triple fold. The love I am sharing is Divine Unconditional Love that makes our life complete with sparkling colors. As I shared about Dadashreeji in the earlier blog, I now share how His presence and blessings in my life made me experience love in its totality. I am sure there is so much more that I have yet to experience but imagine, what little I have experienced is so vast that it leaves me baffled and perplexed and makes me say, Oh my Dada is it possible to experience the totality and purity of this emotion we call love. Is it truly within the realms of possibility that we can feel like this. The clarity today is, yes it is achievable and within reach, in fact it is a daily occurrence, thought, and routine to experience Love in totality and to be able to share it with all and none. Dadashreeji says “Receive and Give, it is the natural state of a human being”. Today this is the state of His devotees all over the world, for we receive in abundance from Him and all we can do is share and give to the world as He fills us to the brim and when the cup is full to the brim it can only overflow.  

The effect of Dadashreeji is felt in every thought, need and action of my life. I will share the result of these effects through my daily life routine so all can also see and live those transformations and changes with me. All the situations I share with you came about with Divine Love making me realize I am love, and I have abundance within me, I do not need any outside source to complete me. It was the Unconditional Divine Love I received from Dadashreeji that created the way for me to fall in love with the one within and experience myself as a complete person.

A) In the morning when I sit with my Divine and gaze into His eyes with devotion and love in my heart he gazes back at me with love and acceptance making me understand love needs no reason it just is. B) When I offer Him water and food He has it with the same love and smile on His face that it fills my being. When I give a smile or share soft words with a stranger He is standing beside me, smiling and sending the same love and care to that person along with me. C) When I scold or shout at someone even then He is there standing with me waiting for my outburst to be over, all the while looking at me with unconditional love and then telling me OK done, now relax, introspect, see if it was truly needed and did you deliver it the right way with the right mind-set. D) When I am in the mood for silence and solitude then He becomes equally quiet and sits with me at times in silence, at times listening to music and basking in the unspoken words of love, for Love doesn’t need any definition or form with Him, it is just felt, a feeling that encompasses my being every moment. E) When I am with family and friends as part of daily routine of bonding and actions then He is just there for in such moments He is observing my changes and transformation with every action and enjoying His effect in my life. He loves to see how with inner transformation all my relationships have mended and are filled with love. F) When I am at work and busy with clients, He is sitting on His Aasan in the shop and watching me, proud of me actually in action as a parent is when they see you working hard. 

When I am writing then He is super happy for He knows the barriers I had to break to get here and His love knows no bounds then. In fact the more courageous and true to myself I became, my bond with Him became stronger, and the connection got deeper and deeper with our communication. The shower of Grace and Love in my life is limitless and I sail through the bumps and hurdles of life with ease because when you have the Divine with you then He takes over and makes sure you know when to take the right action required.

 Friends I invite you to share your thoughts on what love means to you and how you would like to experience it in your life in the coming years. You will read much more about my journey of transformation with Dadashreeji in my upcoming book “Safar, A Journey to the Self” and get clarity on how all of you can also walk the same path.

If there is a desire in you to seriously walk towards change there is a chance coming your way to experience it through the Web Series “I AM LOVE” of my Divine Friend Dadashreeji on YouTube channel “MaitriBodh Parivaar” on 26th March at 4.00 pm. Experience first-hand what you just read in my blog and further awaken the desire within to experience the purity of Divine love in your life on a daily basis, through daily situations. 


Safar- A Journey to the Self- Coming Soon (part 4)

Friends, let’s talk about Spirituality….. Spirituality is being simpler than Simple. Being Spiritual is being natural, Being Spiritual is being at ease with oneself, Being Spiritual is being Courageous…..#Dadashreeji….

What is being spiritual, why is it that we have fixed norms and stigmas attached to spirituality. When we hear people are spiritual we think they must have had extra troubles or they must be directionless in life, with nothing to do. What is it about the thought of spirituality that truly troubles and allows people to pass judgments on others. Is it the thought of others being at peace and happy from heart, for it is difficult for the world to comprehend that such a state is even possible. Most of us have got so used to living with cravings and excessive wants that we can’t comprehend life without these. Whereas Spirituality is the most beautiful state to be in, to be at peace and happy from our heart, to just be in this state of happiness without any judgments. To understand  and accept people as they are.To not want to change them for they are who they are, what and who needs to transform and change is us. Spirituality is all about freedom and being true to yourself and to another, being true in our relationships.

All these clarities came after I met my Guru, Dadashreeji and I came out of my rigid belief system. I realized I had made life difficult for myself, life is the way it is, it’s nature will be the same, the same route, the same bumps, the same roadblocks, the same rock and roll music. What was it that changed for me. My way of looking at situations and my way of perceiving and reacting to them changed, due to the shift in my energy and my inner transformation. I will first share who is He, “Dadashreeji is the most Simple being you will have the fortune to meet. He is a Divine Friend who has truly come on this Earth to help us all in this journey of life. He is here to guide us on the right path with right actions. He is here to hold our hands and encompass us in His warmth during deep moments of pain and difficult walks of life. He is love and Bliss and when you are in His presence you experience complete true Love and become love yourself. He is the transformation specialist and shows us the mirror so as to help us walk the path of change. He is the Enlightened One here to show us the way out of the muddle and miseries of our life towards a life of peace and love”

Well, I am sure all are feeling how can He do that, How can someone do something so profound. Well believe it or not but Dadashreeji can and has done it already for innumerable of us. His compassionate glance when he looks at you full of His Unconditional Love, His Sweet Smile that only speaks to you as a parent does ready to embrace and shield you. When you are in His presence the shift you feel inside you is something that can not be described, it can only be felt for true is the fact that till you don’t experience the sweetness in your tea how can you know if it is  sweet or not. The same way I can only express my feelings and thoughts for the world but the tendency of the human mind is till you don’t experience it for yourself you will not believe it. So you will have to experience it for yourself to understand what is Divinity. What an amazing state of being it is when you connect to the Divine Energy, how life gets streamlined and transformed, finds the purpose and direction. The feeling of bliss and joy that I had only ever read about in books is now felt every moment with Him as my Inner Divine, my Divine Best Friend, my Dadashreeji.

I don’t need to be in the Physical Presence of my Guru, He is everywhere, in every action of mine, in every word I speak, in every thought of mine, in every smile of mine, in the ride of this journey of my life, He drives and I relax. The freedom of my soul to be who it wants to be, how it wants to be, to fly like an eagle for whom the sky has no limit. For me life is beautiful and I wake up with a smile ready to go for my morning walk and become one with nature. I sleep at night with a heartfelt thank you for the day was beautiful and I learnt so much in that day, did good deeds, hugged and shared my love with all those around me.Even in the pains and stresses of life I have my Divine Friend holding my hand and walking in front of me clearing all the obstacles on my way so as make the journey of my life smoother and pleasurable.  Recently someone said to me, you have had problems that is why you have gone into spirituality because you needed something to make you happier. Tell me something is it them or me who has been having antidepressant forever, is it them or me who wakes up in the morning with these words ‘life is stressful’, what to do about it, the day goes by  fighting with daily demons, surrounded by our self created miseries.

Friends there is time yet, life is short and we may not live to see tomorrow, why not take the steps needed to walk towards a life that allows us the freedom to be our true self. When we talk about freedom what is we talk about, are we talking about freedom from our worldly responsibilities, or are we talking about freedom from our family life. In spirituality freedom means to be yourself, to be true to the inner you, to have freedom of expression and thought and let the real you emerge. Today I share beautiful relationships with my family and friends for as I became true and pure so did my relationships. I pray for the world to experience this Divine Energy and become One with it. To Experience Dadashreeji and True Unconditional Love as a state to live in. For remember in the presence of Divine the shift that begins is what takes us forward and gets our life on track and we start experiencing life to the fullest. I will keep sharing my journey in snippets and pieces for all to see the reflection of their journey and maybe find the path to reclaim their destiny.



Safar – A Journey to the Self: COMING SOON (part 3)…

Dear Friends

Here comes the next learning….. In this transformational journey one of the first few changes as I shared earlier was me getting to know myself. In this knowing I came to the point where I now saw myself as a butterfly. A butterfly is born as a caterpillar who only needs to eat to survive. I also started this journey of self-existence, eat, sleep, and experience the basic mundane pleasures of life without really knowing the actual path. I will keep sharing my ongoing journey taking it through different routes to reach the point where I become a beautiful butterfly ready to share its vibrant colours and inner happiness with the world.

If we truly look deep within we will realize that most of us only live life in the basic mundane. life is all about what to eat in the next meal, what to wear for work or parties, which car to buy or which mobile phone to carry. Life seems to be centered around these superfluous desires and wants. All this happens because we only live for the world and the society around us. We don’t want to know our deepest desires and wants. We don’t want to face our self in the mirror and ask the mirror what is it that you are doing in your life. Do you truly know where it is that life is taking you. Do you know the route you are on or are you too used to being a victim in your life that you allow others to use you and then say it was not in my hands, life did not give me a chance. Look deep within and do ask yourself this question, are you a self made victim or are you truly a fighter of life. Did you fight for the true hidden you and did you actually allow the world to know the true you. I know I did not and it was only in the presence of my Master that all the hidden and fearful corners started revealing themselves ready to be swept out from under the bed and almirahs. Today I am sharing the true Me with all of you in the hope that in my reflection a few of you may see yours and find the way out of the self created muddle of your life.

Just like when we sweep our houses, while sweeping we let the dust go into the deep hidden corners, in fact we at times sweep them our self in the unseen corners of our home under the bed or behind the almirah or curtains, thinking what is not seen with the naked eye is not visible to everyone around. Not realising that these particles we send under the bed or behind almirahs are actually the ones that over the years become the reason for bad smelling odour, at times it may be the reason there is dust in the room or it just may be the reason for negativity and diseases in the house that keeps piling up till it doesn’t peep out from the bed making you aware that you have accumulated lots of unwanted dirt over the years. Compare it to your life and see all those hidden corners of your life that you have let go deep inside your soul , never allowing them to see the daylight again. Your “SELF” being the most important you have hidden in those dust particles. Your hidden fears that you don’t acknowledge instead let them become humongous so much so that they actually rule your life. Your insecurities that become the reason for you losing your Self Confidence and in this losing you somehow become less valuable than the other, it may be your spouse, your sibling, your friend or your colleague. This is the all due to the lost connection with Our Inner Divine, Our True Self that we stumble in life trying to find our self in the reflection we see of ourselves in the  eyes of the other.

It is not in the other that we will find the hidden true us. It is deep within our self that we will find the lost one. why do we think we are what the other thinks of us, believe me we are not. Why not do this exercise for the next few days and go within, sit in silence and see yourself from your eyes. Not the eyes of a mother/father, brother/sister, child/friend, neighbour/colleague….From your own eyes and see if a new you wants to emerge and fly to freedom, not freedom from your relationships but freedom from your limited beliefs,  from your own created boundaries. Trust me your relationships will flourish when you get to know the true you and live life from that perspective. Hope you all are able to look within and do get back to tell me if any of this helps you in anyway. I will be waiting eagerly to connect to all my readers and know if they have been able to see the true reflection that is wanting to peep out from behind the curtains.




Safar – A Journey to the Self: COMING SOON (part 2)…

Door to true Transformation;

Transformation… A well heard of word in so many contexts but do we really know the true meaning of this word in our daily life situations. The effect of this word in our life when we go through life transforming experiences is immense and has to be felt internally to be believed.  In the beginning transformation is undetectable, so often subtle and unbelievable but as life goes on we see it working in all forms  within and around us. In the next few posts I am going to share my journey of transformation and make known how beautiful the world becomes when patterns of our daily life break apart and the way through a garden full of roses is made for miracles to walk in.

Changes;… Is the last year or the year before that the same for you. Do you physically look the same as you did five years back, Is your outlook and your perception for a particular thing exactly the same as it was last year, Is the love story of your life in the same level of depth and obsession as a few years back. do you still have the exact same bank balance in your account as a few years back…… No I don’t think so, for change is law and the most natural thing is the next moment that brings this change in our life.  The changes that happen in our life mostly just happen, we often don’t actively look or work for them. It is just the way of life to constantly throw roadblocks and hurdles in our way and for us to keep cribbing and craving while crossing them. This has been the story of my life also complaining and crying but also continuously walking to cross the road bumps. Always with a heavy heart thinking, this is life, this is what is meant for me, passively letting life pass by without true faith and love in my heart.  Today the change walked in the door only after I started asking these questions of the universe, why me? what have I done? what is my fault? why am I the one to have these problems and difficulties in life? why am I not loved unconditionally? please come and save me from these hurdles and blocks of life.

I have learnt a very important fact of life and that is unless and until you don’t ask your question with clarity you will not get the right answer and the treatment. Those who have the courage to knock on the unknown and unseen closed door will have the door of transformation and positive changes opened for them, those who seek the answer to Who Am I will be shown the mirror, and those who look within will find Divine nowhere else but inside their hearts. All this became possible only because my heartfelt cry reached the door of my Guru, who had been waiting for me to ask these questions. The moment I did He appeared and gave all the answers even the ones I unknowingly must have been seeking from lifetimes. The truth is I was seeking God because He was also seeking me and waiting for me to turn my vision inwards to recognise Him.

The Form comes in our life to take us to the Formless…… When you come under the influence of a Living Master the changes that had at one time been worrying and scary are now welcomed. Today life has taken a completely different meaning. the profound changes and breaking of life patterns has shown me how much of life we take at face value, never going deep within to find out the hidden truths and meaning. My first step was to know and understand the inner self and my core emotions. I had to accept that I was beautiful and yet imperfect in some ways. The feeling of helplessness had to dissipate. To deal with this inner powerlessness, I was continuously struggling with myself. Trying different ways to control my life, feeling unsettled and making efforts to fill the hole that had been made due to the pain and suffering of life.

Henceforth in this blog of ‘Safar’ whatever I write will be through my personal experience, sharing with the world how all the locked doors and windows opened to allow the joy of sunshine, romance of the moonlight, and freshness of rain in, embracing me in its folds and wetting me with happiness and bliss of unconditional love. Glimpses of the book and my journey for all, so as to be embraced in the unconditional love of my Guru.


Safar – A Journey to the Self: COMING SOON

Spirituality is being simpler than simple. It is the extraordinary meaning hidden behind the simplest of words. That which is unseen yet sees the world through telescopic eyes and gets the guidance from the Inner Divine.

In the midst of the confusion of this journey of life I was looking for a way out of my self created miseries. In this seeking for inner peace and happiness from outside sources, I found the path that took me to the house that had all the treasures hidden inside, behind its locked doors. I’m starting this blog in the hope of reaching out to the millions in search of the door to unlimited bliss, not realizing that the door lies within. The One within who is also waiting to connect to us, for our vision to turn inwards.

What a series of miracles my life became when I took this unexpected U-Turn towards the hidden truth and found the One within. This book (Safar) is the beautiful song of my life, now ready to be sung and shared with all. The music of my soul revealed will help and guide the world to experience the joy of being limitless while living in this materialistic world.